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This is the Deck20 (or DXX if you prefer) website. This is the place to come to if you have the slightest interest in DXX or online gaming as a whole. We are formerly a Counter-Strike: Condition Zero clan however we have moved into Counter-Strike: Source after many years of inactivity! We look forward to to getting trounced by you, heh.
Commemoration To Miggsy
On April the 6th 2006 Miggsy was involved in a car crash that claimed his life. Miggsy was the original founder of DXX alongside Jez and together they formed a clan and a community like no other. Miggsy never really played many matches with us (due to being a tad shite *waits for lightning bolt from the sky*...) but he was an ever present member of the community and involved himself it whatever we did. This news comes as a shock to us all and our thoughts go out to his family and particularly to Jez who best knew Miggsy out of all of us. Miggsy will always be remembered by DXX and by a great many other people. DXX will continue and we shall always remember Miggsy and his dedication to DXX.
So here's to you Miggsy, Rest In Peace my friend.